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Essential Oils to Stimulate and Calm the Mind and Body

Posted by Gabi Petrylaite on Oct 10th 2022

Essential Oils to Stimulate and Calm the Mind and Body
Essential oils are plant extracts that can be used as natural remedies for various symptoms to enhance mood, meditation, muscle relaxation, and calming the mind. Learn about two essential oils that can work as an aid to stimulate and calm your physical, mental, and emotional health.Bird of the Soul Essential Oil Roll-OnThe Bird of the Soul Essential Oil Roll-On is a unique blend extracted from 17 different plants. The fragrance is inspired by the...
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Ilchi Lee’s Living Tao Book: A Guide for Living Life

Posted by Michela Mangiaracina on Oct 10th 2022

Ilchi Lee’s Living Tao Book: A Guide for Living Life
You may have heard the word “Tao” before, but have you wondered what it really is? It may sound esoteric or like it’s the name of a religion, but Tao is something more fundamental that we interact with all the time. Tao, in essence, is life and the natural laws by which life operates.It’s useful to know those laws, because when you do, you can abide by them. When you follow the laws of nature, your life can go more smoothly. Not following the law...
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5 Ways the Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi Book Helps You Be More Productive

Posted by Michela Mangiaracina on Oct 10th 2022

5 Ways the Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi Book Helps You Be More Productive
Whether you're working at home or elsewhere, for a paid profession or the invaluable job of caring for loved ones, it's easy to get tired and run down. You may start the week strong, but by hump day (Wednesday for many of us), your body and brain are lagging. You may feel like you just can't keep up.Simple, mindful exercises done in short periods of time can keep your body and brain tuned up and turned on. The book Body & Brain Yoga Tai...
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What Makes Bamboo Salt Special?

Posted by Gabi Petrylaite on Oct 10th 2022

What Makes Bamboo Salt Special?
Korean bamboo salt, or jugyeom, is not just another salt. What makes it so unique is the way that it’s made, which gives it its highly beneficial mineral properties that are not found in other salts. This article lays out the special properties of bamboo salt and different ways to experience its benefits.How Bamboo Salt is MadeThe process involves placing sea salt into a bamboo trunk that gets sealed with yellow clay. Then, the bamboo case is roa...
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Belly Buttons. Pechoti Method. Ilchi Lee. How Do These Connect?

Posted by Gabi Petrylaite on Oct 10th 2022

Belly Buttons. Pechoti Method. Ilchi Lee. How Do These Connect?
You’ve probably heard of the newest method that involves people putting CBD oil the belly button through a process called the Pechoti Method. While people are continuing to do so, it’s best to first understand why the belly button is so important in the first place. In this article, founder of the Belly Button Healing method and meditation expert, Ilchi Lee, speaks about his research and findings on the belly button after studying it for over thr...
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