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How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Posted by Uma Campbell on Jul 25th 2022

How to Balance Your Chakras with Crystals
Have you ever felt out of sorts and don’t know why? You were not unhealthy, things just felt like they were not right. Medical professionals have told you that you are fine physically, but something still feels off. Maybe you feel like you need a breather, but can’t explain why. Or maybe your habit is to just brush it aside and say that it might be all just “in your head.”Energy teachings around the world talk about energy centers in the body kno...
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3 Reasons Your Gut Wants Belly Button Healing

Posted by Morgan Garza on Jul 25th 2022

3 Reasons Your Gut Wants Belly Button Healing
For humans, life begins in the gut. Our umbilical cords are the first taste of life-giving nutrients we receive. That energy remains in our abdomens long after birth—until we die, really. Maintaining a healthy gut begins with healthy digestion. And in order to flow with nature and heed her call to detoxify our systems in spring and clear any physical or energetic blockages, we’ve got to get things moving.Spring is a time of birth and rebirth for...
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How to Test & Balance the Seven Chakras

Posted by Kyoungmin Nho on Jul 25th 2022

How to Test & Balance the Seven Chakras
Healing and cleansing your chakras can sound like an illusive practice, but it is an effective way to bring balance to your energy body and establish harmony and power in your life.To provide more structure and intention to this healing practice, there are multiple ways to test each chakra and observe if it is in balance or not. With the chakra in mind, and intention set on harmony and balance, you can transform your health, wealth and happinessT...
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What You Can Learn from 9,000-Year-Old Wisdom

Posted by Michela Mangiaracina on Jul 25th 2022

What You Can Learn from 9,000-Year-Old Wisdom
So begins the ChunBuKyung, a 9,000 year old text brought forth into this world by an enlightened sage in what is now Korea, and handed down through the ages in 81 characters. Many of the characters are numbers, which, like the ChunBuKyung, different philosophers or cultures have believed to contain the essence of the universe and its laws.One (Il), the most repeated character, represents the main concept of this text, which is the oneness an...
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How to Make the Most Out of the New Healing Hearts Coloring Book

Posted by Michela Mangiaracina on Jul 25th 2022

How to Make the Most Out of the New Healing Hearts Coloring Book
Healing Hearts: A Coloring Book for Letting Go and Starting Over appeared this month on, and on the surface, it is simply brightly colored and beautiful. Looking closer, however, you see that every picture drawn by author Manwol, the founder and spiritual leader of the Sun Tao practice in Korea, is a meditation for healing your emotional pain and moving on to create your dearest dreams. She created each picture in a meditativ...
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